The 8 Show (2024): 1x5
Episode 5
What’s your Reaction?
A few floors strategically band together to get an upper hand on the others. But the victims see their salvation in a potential uprising.
A few floors strategically band together to get an upper hand on the others. But the victims see their salvation in a potential uprising.
disturbing bgt bjir gakuat ngelanjutinnya
sumpah iya makin dilanjutin makin emosi
mirip john mayer bjir
kok gue dejavu yah ntn episode ini… sperti movie keluaran tahun doeloe. felt like #2 going beserk and kill everyone, going massacre wkakaka
selalu setiap selesai tiap episodenya, pikiran terasa hampa. mau begminana pun juga, ini realita masyarakat kita; kelas sosial itu nyata.
nomer 8 sama 6 ini contoh badjingan hierarki betul..nomer 4 n 7 oportunis lemah
no 6 di bunuh di rl siapa ya namanya bajingan anaknya pasti mati besok